Volunteer Opportunities

By volunteering as a Head Coach or Assistant Coach, you will have fulfilled your volunteer requirement.

Other Opportunities Include:

* Field Clean Up:
Date and Time TBD

* Concession Stand Help (During Games):
Click here to sign up with Sign Up Genius

Volunteer Obligation

All families are required to fulfill one volunteer obligation.
A post-dated check in the amount of $100 dated June 30, 2023
will be required by March 18, 2023.
Volunteer checks can be turned in by mail or in person 
to the Township Hall at 1677 Ready Rd.

Volunteer checks can also be turned in at the Players Clinic on Saturday, March 18th 2023 at Airport High School
One check per family is required. Post-dated checks will be returned at the end of the season
those who complete their volunteer requirement. 

T-ball players are exempt from this obligation.

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